This guide is intended to serve as a simple overview of the main points for the user, thus ensuring good functionality of the coils even in case of off-season storage.
With the arrival of the industrial revolution, laborious manual work was replaced by the creation of the first mechanized machines for mowing with the subsequent possibility of tying into sheaves for easier handling. This was leading to the introduction of knotting apparatus, first on self-binding machines and later on baling presses. The shape and function of the binding devices on today's machines do not differ much from the original ones, without which we cannot imagine small or large square bales today. How did the mechanism that can tie two strings into one knot even come about? On the first knotters, steel wire was used for tying. Subsequently, the very development of twine took place, from hemp, jute, linen, paper fibers, sisal to today's new generation polypropylene twine.
1. Long-term off-season storage: keep the coils in their original packaging, store under the roof in a vertical position, prevent access to moisture, away from chemicals and exposure to extreme temperatures or other adverse weather conditions. Not sure exactly which twine is intended for your press? The solution is JUTA Calculator, our application will give you selection options. Find the recommended product for your press. You can easily find out how many bales you can wrap after entering the length of the pressed bale and choosing the type of twine, it will calculate its consumption in meters. Either per bale or according to the number of bales you enter, it calculates the total consumption of twine in meters and then converts it to kg and number of spools. Our application is efficient, easy to use and useful. If you are still not sure, you can also use the contact form on the JUTAHelpDesk.
The twine is unloaded from the factory on pallets for better handling and transport. Each entire pallet is then wrapped in a protective stretch film. Which is supposed to ensure the basic protection of twine spools against possible wetting and dusting. Nevertheless, we do not recommend storing twine outdoors in any case. In the same way, damage can occur when handling a forklift truck or part of its palletizing forks. Each large pallet is currently marked with a barcode, which makes it easier to find documents or technical specifications and other information.
Improper handling can cause damage during re-storage. Scratches from the palletizing forks will damage the last layer of twine in the spool. This will subsequently cause a malfunction when tying or the twine itself will break. Check the condition of the coils before loading them into the press magazine.
Falling from a certain height will cause deformation and irreversible damage to the shape of the coil. Subsequently, the twine from the center of the spool will be unwound badly and irregularly. If the coil is deformed (picture on the right) to the complete deterioration of the coil, it will not be able to be placed on the press in any case.
2. Safety of work in the first place. If necessary, read the press manufacturer's instructions before introducing the binding twine. For easier guidance on where to thread the twine at the point of tying, manufacturers place an orientation sticker indicating where it should be threaded correctly. Twine installation methodology will vary between different press manufacturers. If in doubt, consult the press user manual. For a more perfect overview of the coils and their connection to each other, use a marker to mark the individual places in the magazine. All protective equipment must be mounted on the press and must be in perfect condition. Switch off the PTO shaft and the tractor engine before opening the protective devices.
3. Cleaning and maintenance of the press. Never remove harvested material from the machine while the drive is still running or while the baler is still coasting when it is turned off. Always first switch off the PTO shaft and stop the tractor engine. Pay special attention to cleaning the area where the binding device is. Clean tying devices guarantee trouble-free operation, otherwise various complications may occur.
4. Loading and handling the coil on the press. If possible Check the condition of the coil and its sleeve. The cuff itself (plastic cover) ensures the stabilization of the coil itself, its disturbance is undesirable. In the case of a damaged sleeve, the last layers of twine will collapse when the spool is moved. Subsequently, the twine can be knotted or wound in the knotting apparatus.
5. Preparatory steps before pressing itself. In order to ensure the highest quality of functionality and comfort of the pressing itself, it is recommended to carry out regular maintenance and cleaning of the press after the pressing is finished at the end of the daily shift. Also In the case of heavy dust, even during a pressing shift if difficult conditions require it.
6. It always depends on whether we are going to press haylage, hay or straw, then also on the choice of pressing pressure and the variant of whether we are going to cut the material. It is necessary to take into account when harvesting short crops in unfavorable climatic conditions of countries located further south, in areas with high temperature and/or a high degree of UV radiation.
7. Possible causes of coil damage after installation during pressing, it is always necessary to remind again about the function of the plastic sleeve (wrapping). This not only protects the spool with twine from contamination, but also maintains the stability and shape of the spool. In the event of a disturbance, the unwinding properties of the twine will deteriorate. In the final stage of removing the last layers of twine from the spool, unwanted entanglement or jamming in the passages of the knotting device on the press may occur.
In case of problems, we assess each case individually. We do not want to lose any customer under any circumstances. At the beginning, it is necessary to send the maximum possible information available. There will then be an assessment of the OTK department with the production technician and, last but not least, the HELPDesk technician.
However, we cannot influence the weather and the quality of the harvested matter for you, yet we can influence the quality of our products.